
The following books have been found by Bill Turner and myself to be very instructive on the subject matters of the studies we have done:

Alford, H, The Greek Testament (4 volumes).
Andrews, I, God Can Do It For You.
Baker, H A, Visions Beyond The Veil.
Barclay, W, A New Testament Wordbook.
Barclay, W, Flesh And Spirit.
Barclay, W, More New Testament Words.
Barnes, A, Notes on the Bible.
Baxter, J S, Divine Healing Of The Body.
Baxter, J S, Explore The Book.
Bennett, D & R, The Holy Spirit & You.
Bibles: American Standard Version, Amplified Version, King James Version, New King James Version, Revised Authorised Version, Revised Standard Version, Revised Version, Rotherham, Weymouth (The New Testament In Modern Speech), Young’s Literal Translation.
Bloomfield, S T, The Greek Testament, with English Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory.....(Two volumes).
Branham, W, A Man Sent From God.
Briscoe, Jill, The Deep Places Where Nobody Goes: Private Conversations.
Brown, Driver, Briggs, Gesenius, Hebrew And English Lexicon.
Bruce, F F, The New Testament Documents, Are They Reliable?
Brumback, C, God In Three Persons.
Brumback, C, Suddenly…From heaven.
Burce, F F, The Book Of The Acts.
Burgon, J W, Causes Of Corruption.
Burgon, J W, The Revision Revised.
Burgon, J W, The Traditional Text.
Burke, T & D, Annointed For Burial.
Burt A, The Silent Years.
Burton W, Into Africa.
Burton, W F P, Signs Following.
Bushnel, K, God’s Word To Woman.
Carter, H, The Gifts Of The Spirit.
Clarke, A, Commentary On The Bible.
Crow, G R, The Lamb And The Book (now entitled "The Last Tomorrow").
Deissmann, G A, Bible Studies.
Deissmann, G A, Light From The Ancient East.
Farrar, F W, Mercy And Judgement.
Farrar, F W, The Life And Work Of St Paul.
Farrar, F W, The Life Of Christ.
Frodsham, S H, Smith Wigglesworth – Apostle Of Faith.
Gasson, Raphael, The Challenging Counterfeit.
Gifford, E H, The Incarnation.
Grant, W V, Spiritual Gifts & How To receive Them.
Hatch, E, The Organisation Of The Early Christian Churches, (The Bampton Lectures).
Hattaway, Paul, The Heavenly Man: The Remarkable True Story of Chinese Christian Brother Yun.
Henry, M, Commentary on the Whole Bible.
Hibbert, A, Wigglesworth: The Secret Of His Power.
Hills, E F, Believing Bible Study.
Hodges, Z C, & Farstad, A L, The Greek New Testament According To The Majority Texts.
Horton, H, Arrows Of Deliverance.
Horton, H, The Gifts Of The Spirit.
Interlinear Bible, The, Hebrew, Greek & English.
Jamieson R, Fausset A R, and Brown D, Commentary On the Whole Bible.
Keil C F, & Delitzsch F, Commentary on the Old Testament.
Kuhlman, K, I Believe In Miracles.
Ladd, G, The Blessed Hope.
Lambert, Lance, Battle For Israel.
Lang, G H, The Epistle To The Hebrews.
Lang, G H, The Histories And Prophecies Of Daniel.
Lang, G H, The Revelation Of Jesus Christ.
Lang, G H, The Church Of God.
Liardon, Roberts, God's Generals: Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed.
Liardon, Roberts, John G. Lake, The Complete Collection Of His Life Teachings.
Lightfoot, J B, Saint Paul’s Epistles To The Colossians & Philemon, Philippians, Galatians & Notes On the Epistles Of St. Paul (4 volumes).
Linford, A, A Course Of Study On Spiritual Gifts.
Malz, Betty, My Glimpse Of Eternity.
Marston, P, Forster, R, God’s Strategy In Human History.
Meldau, Fred John, Why We Believe In Creation Not Evolution.
Michaelsen, Johanna, The Beautiful Side Of Evil.
Moulton, J H, & Milligan, G, Vocabulary Of The Greek Testament.
Murray, A, Holy In Christ.
Murray, A, The Holiest Of All.
Murray, A, With Christ In The School Of Prayer.
Nee, W, The Church And The Work (3 volumes).
Nestle, E, Nestle, E, Aland, K, Novum Testamentum Graece.
Nicoll, W Robertson, The Expositor’s Greek Testament (4 volumes).
Norlie, O M, The Translated Bible 1534-1934.
Parker, C L, Covet Earnestly.
Parker, C L, Foundation Truths.
Parker, C L, "Original Sin" And Eternal Punishment.
Parker, C L, According To Plan.
Parker, C L, The Mystery Of God.
Patterson-Smyth, J, A People’s Life Of Christ.
Perschbacher, W J, The New Annalytical Greek Lexicon.
Pickering, W N, The Identity Of The New Testament Text.
Plumptre, E H, The Spirits In Prison.
Pyatt, B, His Banqueting Table.
Ramsey, W H, Historical Commentary On Galatians.
Ramsey, W H, Luke The Physician.
Ramsey, W H, Pauline And Other Studies.
Ramsey, W H, St Paul The Traveller & The Roman Citizen.
Ramsey, W H, The Bearing Of Recent Discoveries On The Trustworthiness Of The New Testament.
Ramsey, W H, The Letters To The Seven Churches Of Asia.
Ramsey, W H, Was Christ Born In Bethlehem.
Rienecker, F, & Rogers, C, Linguistic Key To The Greek New Testament.
Robertson, A T, Luke The Historian In The Light Of Research.
Robertson, A T, Word Pictures In The New Testament (6 volumes).
Rosser, I, Grace Gifts.
Ruckman, P S, The Christian’s Handbook.
Schaff, P, History Of The Christian Church.
Scrivener, F H A, A Plain Introduction To The Criticism Of The New Testament (2 volumes).
Smith, O J, Prophecy - What Lies Ahead?
Strong, J, Exhaustive Concordance Of The Bible With Dictionaries Of The Hebrew And Greek Words.
Thayer, J H, New Testament Lexicon.
The Dake Annotated Reference Bible.
The Interlinear Bible, Hebrew, Greek & English.
Tregelles, S P, The Hope Of Christ’s Second Coming.
Tregelles, S P, Tregelles On Daniel.
Trench, R C, Synonyms Of The New Testament.
Vincent, M R, New Testament Word Studies.
Vine, W E, Expository Dictionary Of Biblical Words.
Wallace, D B, Greek Grammar Beyond The Basics.
Wordsworth, C, A Commentary On The Whole Bible (Old Testament – 6 volumes, New Testament – 4 volumes).
Wuest, K S, Word Studies From The Greek New Testament.
Young, R, Concise Critical Comments, N T.
Zodhiates, S, The Complete Word Study New Testament.

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