As I look around the internet and listen to Christian preachers and teachers, it is with great dismay that I hear such great error being taught by these supposed “learned” men and women. Three areas of important Christian Truth are especially under particular attack, these are:
Our Lord’s True Humanity, which has been replaced by the destructive heresy of Docetic Gnosticism which arose in the Church in the 2nd half of the 1st Century AD, this can arise in the mind of Christians as a result of accepting and believing Augustine’s doctrine of "Original Sin" and it’s “Born In Sin” theories.
The unscriptural doctrine of a Secret Pre-Tribulation Advent and Rapture, that was unknown until the 1830s, instead of the Post-Tribulation Glorious Appearing of our Lord, and the Rapture of the Church, that our Lord, Daniel and the New Testament Apostles clearly teach.
The rejection of the Holy Spirit and His spiritual Gifts, inevitably leads to a powerless Church, which is unable to meet the needs of the suffering people, of either the Church or the world.
A correct understanding of these important Christian Truths are vital for each individual believer to have as part of their “experience”, if they are to overcome the terrible dark days of the Great Tribulation. It is my hope and prayer that these studies by Bill Turner and C L Parker might challenge each person as regards what they believe regarding these important issues and return them to the Truth and Practices as taught by Our Lord and the Apostles of the 1st Century Church.
In these studies the appeal is ALWAYS to the Scriptures and NOT to the ideas and teaching of men. I would ask you, when studying these Truths to follow the example of the Jews at Berea who “were more noble (minded) than those at Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, to find out whether these things were so”. Acts 17v11.
From personal experience I found it easier to understand Bill Turner’s studies after first having studied C L Parker’s two studies, Foundation Truths and Original Sin And Eternal Punishment.
The Studies are as Follows:
- Foundation Truths
- Original Sin & Eternal Punishment
- The Disastrous Effects Of The Doctrine Of Original Sin
- By His Stripes We Are Healed
- The Book Of Revelation
- The Second Coming Of Christ
- The Baptism And Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
- The Comforter Is Come
You can download all 8 studies in one zipped file by clicking Here (Microsoft Word) or Here (PDF)
The latest studies to be added to the Complete Works webpage are:
- Looking For And Hastening The Coming Of The Day Of God
- Jesus Prays For His Own (By Verse) or Jesus Prays For His Own (With Headings)
- The Plan And Purpose Of The Ages
- Against Oneness
- Flesh And Spirit
- The Visions Of Daniel
- The Great Tribulation Overcomer
- Preparation For Ministry In The Light Of Last Day Prophetic Truth
- Jesus, Our Great High Priest After The Order Of Melchizedek And The Melchizedek Priesthood
Or you can download the "Complete Works" as a zipped archive in either Microsoft Word or PDF file type.